
Introducing - Prof. Andre Galvao

Andre Galvao
Birthday: 29/09/82
Weight: 83kg or 185 pds
Weight Class: 77 kg
Style: Brazilian jiu jitsu black belt world champion, boxing
From: Brasa team Jiu jitsu
Since black belt: 17/03/05
MMA: 0-0-0 (debut)
Web site: http://www.andregalvao.com/ / http://www.wanderleisilva.com.br/

Bjj title only in black belt:
World champion in 2005
2nd world champion 2006
Wolrd champion in 2007
World Cup BJJ Champion 2006
Brazilian jiu jitsu Champion in 2005
Brazilian jiu jitsu Champion Open Class in 2005
2nd Brazilian jiu jitsu champion in 2006
3rd Brazilian jiu jitsu champion Open class in2006
Pan american Jiu jitsu Champion 2005
Pan American jiu jitsu Champion in 2006
Team Brazilian jiu jitsu Champion in 2006

Submission wrestling s title:
3rd Place ADCC submission Wrestling World Championships 2007
3rd Palce ADCC Submission Wrestling World Championships Open Class 2007
ADCC Brazilian Trials 2007

* Wanderlei Silva's bjj training for UFC 79
* Andre trains with Silva for his fist mma fight
He will come to HK to fight in Copade HK 2 in April. This will be the only chance to see the world champion's BJJ/Grappling fight in Hong Kong. We will hold a seminar as well, Don't miss it!!!

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